Hello unregistered user!
We believe security and privacy should be at the forefront of all online user engagement. We only collect data we need to serve you better.
We have integrated login with Auth0. We receive mininmal data necessary to confirm that you performed login actions successfully. We do not have access to your password.
When a user signs up the following data is collected: internal system generated sub id, picture/gravatar url if available, email.
Additional data contained in your user profile includes: nickname, full name, first name, last name, mobile number.
Login and user profile data are mandatory. Mobile number is used to enable the text-based features of the platform only.
We do not send automated marketing messages to the email or the mobile nummber. As a result there is no opt-out option available.
We have integrated text messaging and email features with Twilio and Sendgrid. We use these services for outbound transational messages.
When you send us email it comes over paths configured for mail servers. When you send us a text message it comes over paths configured by the carriers. We have no control over this. We recommend that you do not share sensitive data.
We use cookies essential for website's operations.
We do not place advertising cookies.
We do not sell your content or user profile data to 3rd parties.
We collect usage analytics using Google's Analytics platform.
Additionally, header data from browser request is also collected. It helps us design better products.
As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.
Contact us if there are any questions.
Yours truly,